Olive’s First Christmas

Thanks to Everyone that has made Olive’s first Christmas, with all the visits and presents! It’s been a blast!

Olive’s Chirstmas Bauble… she tried her best.


Merry Christmas you Filthy Animals! Thanks Nana for making an enormous stocking thing. Good Skills/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_4477.jpg

A book?? C’mon this is a joke right? Wheres the xbox?


Sat in a box. Playing with Packaging. Standard/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_5719.jpg

I’ll eat these snacks and ignore the small mountain of presents from Nana and Grandad…


Never mind this family time, where’s the next present?


What you looking at? I’m busy!/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_5918.jpg

Christmas Auntie Love!


Christmas Dinner!/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_4509.jpg

Is that another present Granny?


More Fam time….


One of the many presents from Granny and Granddad/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_5864.jpg

I’m at the top of the table bitches!/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_5839.jpg

I’ll tolerate Uncle James for 5 minutes..


I got my car keys, where my phone?/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_5726.jpg

OMFG! What the fuck is that stuff!!??!/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_4548.jpg

Pink Parents…/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_5813.jpg

Alright Aoife, Sorry if we’re boring you!/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_5843.jpg

I got an O! Thanks Great Auntie Sylv./home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_4561.jpg

This isn’t food…



Got me a new bath toy! Thanks O&H/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_5615.jpg

I like the present but not sure about the slippers…/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_5991.jpg

Long Lost Fam/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_5998.jpg

I think I’ve got my wear out of this jumper now…/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_6016.jpg

It’s bloody freezing Mum!/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/e60/62820549/files/2014/12/img_5981.jpg

I like my new box!


Auntie Sinead will not be pleased about the quality of this picture…IMG_1482

C’mon Sucker, wheres the cash??


Can I help?

No. No is the answer.




10 Months…

Everyone has been asking me to do an update so I am, apologies for being well lazy with this.

Looking at the last post I did, things have changed a fair bit! She’s crawling around the place like a boss, stair gates are deployed throughout the house. Walking around the house holding on to walls, furniture etc is commonplace, walking unaided is in the pipeline.She’s taken quite a liking to changing the inputs on the amp, think she’s figured out how to get In The Night Garden on the TV…

She’s started yabbering a lot, I’m fairly sure she says Mummy & Daddy… but thats probably just me wanting that to happen.

The biggest change is that she now has a personality, rather than being a boring baby.

Right some pics then, don’t know what order these will be in!

We went for a 10 minute walk in the peaks…


We then did a bit longer in Dovedale, Ol looks delighted to be squashed in both of these


Chickens! I’m trying to convince Sophia that we need to get some…


A standard meal for Sophia now…


Somewhere in Dorset… 1st holiday with Ol, she was terrible!


She seems happy with Auntie Emma…


Unsure about Uncle Ewan


And rightly cautious of uncle knob head…


Luca and Ol playing “together”


Fay Wray eat your heart out.


Jessica and Ol reading. (ignore the nappy bag…)


Another day, another pub!


This is what my BBQ’s look like these days…. slightly different


Ol is not sure about Dave either, its probably the t-shirt…


Good day with Ben and Shin Head!


And the same to you with knobs on!


Abbie gets some smiles!


Hangover 2.0 Sleeping on the sofa is the future. #indoorcamping


Date night.




Olive with the boys and their balls… I’ll need to have a talk with these guys.


Olive rocking the shades at Austin’s christening


What I come home to!


Olive on plane. Risky business but was all good!


Poo face.


Swimming in the arctic pool


Chilling on her own


Get a taste for spicy food early on


More swimming!


Have I already use the standard moustache joke?

OK in that case I’d love to stay and chat but I moustache…


Cellblock H


Who doesn’t like swings? Weirdo…


Just like her mum after a meal




Playing at the childminders… Ginger alert.


Eating… again


I only know one dragon joke, its not suitable…


Lets try some videos

Fun with Air


Timelapse Lunch


Pineapple is rank


Learning to Crawl


Biddly Biddly Biddly




Right that’ll do, I know I’m missing loads, apologies to those I have missed off. Next time!

5 Months!

5 months in to this parenting lark, and I think we are getting used to it. Ol is now getting the hang of rolling over, and sitting up is mostly sorted. We’ve started on some weaning food stuff, mashed up veg, it stinks. Finger food is also the key to allowing us to eat our own food without holding Ol.

More pictures now.



Hide and seek….




How to look cute in rainproof kit…







Eating some mushed up something for the first time…despite the face she seems to like it




Granny can hold Ol again without total meltdown




Hitler hairdo passed on…






I like carrots..



Bath time now has a seat for Ol




This is what hangovers look like now




This is what happens in the morning when I do the dream feed …




Olive has made her choice of favourite soft toy, it’ll be tough for me to let him go…







Kicking back in Bakewell




Shades, fakebans, couldn’t find Aviators..20140607-165643-61003704.jpg


Aunty Sylv gets a cuddle in town!20140607-165641-61001511.jpg


Paddling pool time!




Austin giving Ol a disdainful look, she’s probably just shit herself in public again.










Rocking Caterpillar working well, requires much supervision at the moment.20140617-230224-82944852.jpg


You’ve just got a little something  on your cheek…





The “mummy’s driving” face… 20140617-230226-82946723.jpg



Looking fairly cute.







How my Fathers day card was delivered…Social Services anyone?20140617-230228-82948558.jpg


A visit from Rachel!20140617-230229-82949365.jpg


More paddling pool time…20140617-230230-82950754.jpg


See you next time…


Its been a good while since the last blog. Turns out kids take up a fair bit of your time. Who knew?
Anyhow Olive is completely different now to how she was a month ago. She seems to be going through a phase of not wanting to be held by anyone but Me and Pia. I’m sure she will grow out of this when she hits her teens.
She’s had some more jabs and began feeding like a monster!
She’s also got a lot more hand control, along with being able to sit up (when sat up!) for a good while.
Her sleeping is mostly excellent 10-6 for well over a month. She’s had a few indiscretions where she’s woken up needing food

Now time for some pics..


Excuse me, I moustache you a question…




Heather and Sookie with a thoroughly unimpressed Olive



This is the level of parenting you get after a night out with Dave Bains.




Enjoying the Emirates merch (Cheers Neil!)



Om nom nom nom!



This book is crap, but Ol seems to enjoy it.




Becca gets a smile and some fun




Easter time! An egg hunt could not be done by Olive (but was by Pia) so an enormous baby chicken was called for




Relaxing in the sun




I like driving in my car, its not quite a Jaguar..




This is weird then, so this is Andy and Jayne pre baby arrival…


And this is Andy post baby arrival…
This is the look of a man who has seen some things!


Cake crumbs in Olives ear…




Rocking out in the Jumperoo, wearing a lot of pink…


Hello middle age?




But first…. Let me take a selfie



Charlotte, fingers crossed Olive doesn’t go bananas..




Chilling out on the new blanket! Thanks Granny



Corey was interested in babies, tough questions coming soon Leanne…




Another weekend, another coffee house.




Right, I’m done…

Six of the best

Well we’re about 10 weeks in now and things are going well.
Olive has been registered and had her jabs, ToH has been getting out and about and making new baby buddies at Rhyme Time and baby signing and all sort of other events.

And I am back at work. The Joys.

I know I am not updating this as often as I would like, I’ll try to up the pace, but I am inherently lazy…
Kay gets a hold of Ol, again at Hackwood, Olives Second Home


Throw us a smile would ya…


Since turning 32 I have basically become an old man, National Trust membership, weekends spent sorting the garden/garage with my outings now consisting of visits to stately homes…
Luckily I get to dress Olive up as an Ewok which makes up for it…


Hand made dress on show for Granny


Chilling out in some snazzy winter threads, thanks uncle Neil


Another National Trust visit for Olive….


Olives multicultural friendship group, youngest to oldest. Notice Olive is not in snazzy threads because she shat herself on arrival… Like mother like daughter.


Pia forcing the rabbit on Olive, Hedgy not getting a look in. Olive showing off her gripping skills.


This is Olive’s sleepy face, followed immediately by loads of crying.


Never too young for media.


To make up for TV time we have some reading time.


Having a Skype with Aunty Emily and Luca.


Visiting the farm with Rebecca and Austin, get your carriers out ladies!


Olive seems unsure of naked time…

Charlie seems to like Olive after a walk and a picnic

I have a great time with some donated toys, not sure what is happening with my soulless eyes…
Olive in the justice swing. She actually likes it despite the look of contorted disgust on her face.
I think she likes the mobile. #substitueforcrack
Olives Library card, the books she has got out so far have been a bit intellectual for me, she seems into them though.
Another walk with the Ewok
Thats it for this post. Should go over a thousand views on this one which is amazing. Not sure who has viewed from Singapore…


Post 5

Its been a couple of weeks since the last post, things are beginning to calm down now and a routine is sort of forming.
We’ve still had loads of visitors but its been much calmer and TOH is in a much better place to deal with everything.
Olive has become lovely throughout much of the day with her grumpiness contained to the hours of 7PM to 10PM. The hours when I’m home it seems like.

Anyhow some pictures:

A visit from Jen from next door…


We manage to get a beer each! Woooo!


Just checking out what Olive will look like in a few years! Cheers Heather…

One of many presents from Louise and Scott, hopefully we will see them in the Summer



She seems to like Ewan the dream sheep!
Cowboy time!

Tummy Time!

Tired of the Bumbo already!

Going Bald, apparently its to do with rubbing whilst feeding… Baldy Heed!
Ballet gear from Lyndsey ToH’s old dance teacher, ToH is very excited about this development, I’m off to buy a footy kit..

Going out for a spin, ready for a massive snooze!

Diana and Jess, thanks for even more gifts!20140217-225632.jpg

Seems like bath time is a favourite time of day…20140226-185348.jpg
Work comes to home, Phil, Lisa, Abbie and Joel visit. The doughnuts were lovely!


Shit yer pants did ya? Cry Did ya?20140226-185506.jpg

O&H cooked a sunday lunch for us…. Omnomonomnonomonommnomnom20140226-185745.jpg

Heather and Beccy get some O time, whilst I went to a beer festival!20140226-185755.jpg

Quick…. Look Happy!20140226-185804.jpg

Amy, Rudi and Josie come to visit! Thanks for the shoes and outfit.20140226-185812.jpg

Great Aunty Wendy gets a hug!20140226-185843.jpg

Ol following in her mothers footsteps and taking up all the bed..20140226-185853.jpg

Since last time, Ol can hold herself up on her feet, although balance is still a problem,  sleep for up to 6 hours, shit through 3 layers of clothing and a nappy, and scream to get her own way…
She’s also been to Rhyme Time and Baby Signing

Hopefully have a bit more to say next time, but my brain is falling out slowly but surely!

Episode 4: A New Hope

What is your favourite thing in the whole world?
TV, Music, Football, Food,  Games,  Booze?
Whatever it is try going a couple of nights without it.

It turns out your favourite thing in the whole world is sleep! Only when you have this ruined  do you really appreciate it.

I have a sickening feeling that I am not going to get a lie in for a good few years now. I look back on the days at Uni spent boozing all night long as missed opportunities to sleep.

All of which meant that this was amazing. Olive sleeping in her own room for almost 5 hours! Boom


It feels like it has been a less busy week this week, however looking back, plenty has happened.

Olive got her first parcel in the post, a lovely Sheffield themed jumper (although an Owl not a Blade) Thanks to Aunty Alison and family.


TOH has found a way to continue to do things whilst keeping big O happy, a Boba! Thanks to Matt and Emma for this, much happiness from both, although it doesn’t really work for me. I think its the lack of boobs.


Aunty Lisa comes to visit (doesn’t Olive have lots of Aunty & Uncles!?) Many thanks for another stuffed toy for Olive to consider.


Olive see some snow for the first time. Thoroughly unimpressed by the whole situation as you can see.


I get to dress her for a day. Never too young to get some  good music taste. After a bit of experimentation she seems to like the Unplugged album and In Utero, not too much of a fan of Bleach or Nevermind yet.


More Aunty & Uncles visit, Matt and Lisa. Another cool jacket for Big O to strut in.


A health visitor was checking out Olives back passage, when she decided to take a massive, projectile, watery shite all over the floor.
Impeccable timing.


I have been accused by TOH of not putting on any nice pictures of her, I can’t see whats wrong with pics like this


4 weeks ago I was not aware of Tummy Time. Now it’s an unforgettable part of our day…


Getting ready for the Man City v Chelsea match. She didn’t seem too keen and cried through most of it. I think she was upset with Demichelis in midfield.


Yet another Uncle (Andy) visits, in preparation for his own spawn arriving soon. The full unabridged version of birth and parenting was laid bare by TOH.


We had a visit to a farm, some good sausages and saw some Chickens. Big O has made a request that we get some chickens of our own.


The door to O’s room is pimped up


Ol has a visit to Austin’s pad, I think he’s playing hard to get.


A visit with Jen from next door.


Guess which one of us bites their nails?


Enjoying bath time by the look of it.


Week 3 – Holy Shit This Is Real!

Week 3 has been very interesting, I have gone back to work so time with big O has decreased a lot, which isn’t great. I can see the bond with TOH is much stronger, which is understandable, I’m sure once she is walking and talking we can do some stupid things together and annoy Mum!

Anyhow, we had our first family journey out, a four minute walk up and down the road, then back home. TOH is still struggling to move very far, but it was progress. Excuse the hair, it has since been sorted out…


Something I never wanted was to see my daughter in dungarees. I think I may have come to terms with them now though…


We visited a restaurant like a proper set of grown ups (http://www.wonkytable.co.uk) we picked up Aunty Heather first, before big O decided to have her first public crunch. A double parent nappy change was required.


Having a power blackout together.


We have had so many lovely gifts and decision time will need to come soon on which will be the favourite teddy.


I can see this is my downfall, bottle feeding after expressing… Booze in sight for TOH


Aunty Christina comes to visit, good work on trashing the cards Danny!


Uncle Dave, knees bend tekkers worked on getting big O to sleep


Great Nanna visits, some lovely presents again!


And so does great grandad Mick


Finally, Look Cute…


Clockwork Living – Week 2

Week 2 is still as tough going as is expected, with TOH and myself not getting much sleep.
We have tried to implement a routine which is based around 4 hour stints, its called EASY
Basically it means my day is split up into 3 or 4 hour chunks with dedicated task happening at each hour. It’s a bit like the Army I reckon…

This is how its working…


…Like a charm(!?)


Now before having a kid I knew that the umbilical cord is still attached to the kid before it falls off, what I wasn’t aware of was how much, as this nubbin falls off , it starts to stink. A proper necrosis smell of death.



We have had a visit from Uncle Raj, who bought some lovely gifts


Shit stinks.
TOH is on anti biotic’s and this makes Olive’s poo properly stink.
Luckily TOH is proactive and purchased a spray paint mask, this filters most of the stench! Olive seems fairly happy with us wearing it, I think she understands…


Olive gets some mail! It’s for a hearing test, not a bill yet…


Talk about Genes! Some serious genes of mine transferred shown in the below picture.
My ludicrous eyelashes, my flat ear, my camp wrist resting position, and maybe a slight tinge of ginge in the hair…



Aunty Gem comes to visit for cuddles!20140117-110009.jpg


And so does Liza! (Thanks for the gifts and the amazing Pizza! Yum!!!)20140117-151917.jpg



Thanks to Aunty Gem’s visit, Olive gets some style advice…20140117-151928.jpg


TOH manages to brave the outside world and visit a café,  her first excursion out.
Whilst this was going on, advantage was taken and I went to the pub! Excellent Pies… http://hollybushinnmakeney.co.uk




We get a visit from Uncle Ben and Aunty Sinead, another  teddy bear to add to the collection. Olive will make an informed decision as to which is her favourite very soon I am sure




And now we are knackered. Night times have been particularly tough for the last couple of days of cluster feeding happening around 2-5AM, we’re trying to move this cluster feed until earlier in the evening.
One thing that seems to chill out Olive is Music, she likes some old school Blues/Jazz, she prefers Nina Simone and Billie Holiday over Bessie Smith or Leadbelly though, and seems to not quite get Bob Dylan yet.
Thanks for all the positive feedback from the last post, more updates to come…


Week 1

Hello World!
My name is Kev Fisher, and I have just become a new Dad. I wanted to keep a record of my new daughter, without flooding Facebook with loads of baby pics. Nobody appreciates that!
This is hopefully the life and times of Olive Fisher.

The labour was a pretty horrendous experience all in all, Olive got stuck when nearly out, and had to be turned by forceps, that being said all the midwifes, nurses, doctors , anaesthetists etc. were incredible. The NHS is ace!

Whilst the other half (TOH) was getting some severe pain relief before being delved into, I was put into a holding room to sit and ponder everything, had the time to take a quick selfie…


Shortly after this I was whisked into theatre to see some pretty horrific sights, but at least when I got in there, TOH was no longer in pain thanks to a spinal block.

After about 10 mins in theatre I was handed Olive for the first time, weighing in at a hefty 9lb (4.1kg) she was covered in gunk and bits of womb and wailing away, the first thing I noticed (after the weight) was some serious eye lashes. So far that’s my one dominant gene!


Once TOH had been sewn up and sorted and moved to the recovery room Mummy gets her first cuddle with big O

After all this was sorted we were moved to a ward where Olive woke up all the other inhabitants with some wailing, TOH was given some tea and toast and I was sent packing.
Stupidly I had no cash, couldn’t pay on card at the car park so I had to walk home, have 2 hours sleep and then walk back.

When I got back to the hospital, TOH had no sympathy for my previous car struggles but I did get to have some snuggles with big O. Got a smile too although I’m sure it was wind!



Here’s TOH in the morning after clearly having enough drugs to make her smile!20140115-034650.jpg

After a while we got moved into a private side room, which was great, TOH had everything checked and food bought to her for every meal, again I was spurned on the food and had to survive on Costa panini’s20140115-034713.jpg

Granny visited for the second time (first attempt was outside of visiting hours so was aborted) and got some hugs in.


At 6oclock ish(about 16 hours after pushing a rugby ball out of her) we were allowed home, it may have been a little early but we appreciated going home. Here is a scary picture for the drivers on the way home for the first time. Seatbelts fastened in the back!20140115-034724.jpg

TOH insisted on taking this picture, and insisting I smile, despite it pissing it down and me just wanting to get in the house out of the rain.

My sides grandparents come to visit almost immediately, not sure what the titles are to be yet, as long as its not Grandma apparently.
Mum was so excited that she had her shoes off outside the house so she could get a first hold. Not sure she even noticed me or TOH. But we did get a lot of gifts for Olive!
After they visited they went out on the lash, didnt get to sleep till 3AM. Something is wrong there…


Aunty Abbie having a cuddle.20140115-034849.jpg

Auntie Vez having a reluctant cuddle… “She’s moving!”20140115-034859.jpg

Finally a chance to relax for TOH, for completeness she is stuffing her face with cheese and onion Seabrookes crisps…20140115-034910.jpg

Try not to look knackered and hide the boob…20140115-034926.jpg

Grandad comes to visit, I have to take a sly picture, shutter sound off…20140115-034937.jpg

Sisters and grandparents revisit, first visit of a great grandma!20140115-034958.jpg


Its sort of all blurring into one long day now, very tiring and hard going…

Olive is obviously hungry and tries to latch onto Granny’s cheek…20140115-035019.jpg

After some confidence is gained we give her a bath, it actually went quite successfully, not too much crying and another usual household task completed without a visit to the hospital for any of us.


We then had a visit from Uncle Ollie (has the plague so stayed at arms length!) and Aunty Heather, they brought some lovely treats for us including Fudge


My mother has a baby’s foot fetish, they are cute because they are small. That logic does not always carry I’m sure…


It had been coming, feeding going well means poo’s going well. We had a middle of the night visit to the hospital where TOH got some more pain relief meds and some great advice on feeding, all of which led to…

Poomageddon Part 1,



Uncle Neil came for a flying visit before going back home to Dubai, Olive enjoyed the hugs!


Even Formula 1 cars need a pit stop every now and then!


First friend comes to visit, Autumn (or as baby brained TOH called her Summer, along with then forgetting the name of her own spawn…) and Aunty Emma and Uncle Matt come to visit for a play date. They both sort of lie there, they had a look at each other and then did some more lying down.

Thats the first few days of Olive summed up really, not counting a load of midwives, midnight trips to tesco, tears, no sleep and missed meals, and the kindness of all our friends and family! Hopefully next week will be less photo heavy!